Arts Milton Community Art Project – Culture Days 2015

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For the Arts Milton Community Art Project we decided to do a 3-dimensional project. There was a little prep required for this project but it was all worth it. Home Depot Milton our gracious sponsor for the Arts Milton community project every year, fabricated wooden cubes in varying sizes between 2 feet to 5 feet. I decided to go with the grain of the wood and outlined the organic forms and shapes. It was a joy to see the transformation of these wooden cubes when residents from the community filled these organic forms with bright, bold colours.

Milton Culture Days 2014 Community Mosaic Mural

This year the theme for Arts Milton’s community mural was inspired by Kandinsky’s famous painting – “Squares with Concentric Circles”. Participants created in their own style circular patterns and designs on 4×4 ceramic tiles. The tiles were assembled at a later date to create a Kandinsky style mural mosaic.


Arts Milton Community Mural for Culture Days 2014



Bright coloured tiles with circular patterns and designs


Installing the wooden panel for the mural mosaic


Here we go – assembling the tiles


Look at all those gorgeous colours and patterns


Ta Da!!


The gorgeous Kandinsky inspired Arts Milton community mural mosaic! On display at the Milton Centre for the Arts

Thank You 2013…

As we are getting ready to make 2014 awesome… I think its only fair that I thank 2013 for everything it did for me. What an incredible year it has been!!! I can only feel utmost gratitude whilst reflecting on all the highs that this year blessed me with like meeting extraordinary human beings some of whom I have the honor of calling friends. You know who you are and I thank you for your friendship and support.

It is said that ‘a home is not made of bricks and mortar, but built with love and a sense of belonging’. These words aptly describe my feeling of belonging since we made Milton our home.

Community Mural in MIlton

Culture Days Community Mural in Milton

And as if to mark this sense of belonging, I had the privilege to facilitate a community mural for Arts Milton during the Culture Days 2013 – a liberating experience seeing the young and young at heart so candidly revealing their creative side.

Aparna Rangnekar|Murals in Brampton

Proud Moment – with the Mayor of Brampton – Susan Fennell

It did not stop there…I was honored with a huge opportunity to create a mural depicting the arts & culture landscape in Canada which is on display at the Vivian Lane, Rose Theatre. It also gave me my first award in Canada – yes, plaque and all!

Art Classes in Milton

Art Classes in Milton

I have been teaching art techniques and painting for a long time now and besides one on one art lessons from home in Milton, I decided to take it a notch higher and have partnered with Learna preschool and Tutoring to start art classes in Milton in their facility.

Mylo our Golden Doodle puppy

Mylo our Golden Doodle puppy

Oh!!! and finally a new addition to the family – our golden boy, Mylo! Our Golden Doodle puppy. Such a delight to have him in our lives. Its like he completed our family.

All in all, 2013 was good to me, personally and professionally. So 2014… You have big shoes to fill… and you know what? I think you will live up to all expectations and go beyond…

Don’t you guys agree??

Would love to know your best moments of 2013. Feel free to share or leave a comment.

Murals in Brampton displayed in Vivian Lane, Rose Theatre.

As a part of the ongoing efforts of making Brampton Downtown the hub for the fine arts, under the sponsorship of The City of Brampton and guidance of Brampton Arts Council, Beaux Arts Brampton initiated an open call to all muralists in Canada to submit their vison to transform the wall of the Vivian Lane chess park.

I feel honored and proud to be one of the 7 artists to be chosen to magnify my vision as a permanent installation at Vivian Lane, Brampton

The murals were installed over the weekend and unveiled to public by Mayor Susan Fennell on the 12th of October 2013.

It was a fabulous event attended by the visionaries of the Brampton Arts Council, the art community and the art lovers in Brampton. The live band “Fun Fact” played out some great tunes and kept the crowds entertained.

Thank you Beaux Arts Brampton, Brampton Arts Council and The City of Brampton for such a great opportunity to us local artists…

I am sure the residents of Brampton are going to enjoy this downtown art spectacle for a long, long time to come.

Art Classes in Milton

Art Classes | Drawing Lessons | Art Lessons | Painting Classes | Preschool art | Art Classes for Teens | Art classes for Adults

Art for Preschoolers, tweens and teens

As many of you already knew, I teach art to kids and adults. Have been teaching for more than 10 years now, but was always from home. Decided to take it a notch higher and am partnering with Learna preschool and Tutoring in Milton to start art classes in their facility.

Art Classes | Drawing Lessons | Art Lessons | Painting Classes | Preschool art | Art Classes for Teens | Art classes for Adults
Students learning to draw and paint

We are planning to have a range of classes and course offerings. “Art for Tots” for the 3-6 year olds to have fun activities and develop motor skills and also colour and form recognition. Drawing and painting techniques for the pre tweens and tweens between the ages of 5 – 13 years to develop dominant art skills or bring out the latent ones. And then there are classes for teens and adults who are building a portfolio for further education in art or as their personal accomplishment.

Call me or visit Learna and we would be happy to discuss

Culture Days 2013 in Milton

Exactly a year ago, my husband and I walked into the Milton Centre for the Arts with a gleam of excitement in our eyes. The foyer was abuzz with activity. Art was in the air…so dense that you could feel it embrace you. Having just moved to Milton, we were still getting a feel of the place. Both of us are artists by education and feel at home when there is art buzzing around us. And thats exactly what was happening at the centre and we felt like we were back on our mothership! The Culture Days 2012 was on and and various artists from the Town of Milton were hosting various activities for kids, adults. Drawing, Painting, Henna, African Drumming, Singing, Ballet performances, Classical dance forms from various countries, mime performances you name art in any medium, form or genre… it was all happening. And thats when we made a promise to ourselves. Next year we will participate in this event and engage in this truly amazing town of Milton And in 2013, that’s what we did. And thanks to Arts Milton, we could do it in a fashion that was far beyond our wildest dream. We facilitated a community mural at the Milton Centre for the Arts, where residents of this community came and contributed by painting a 6 ft x 12 ft mural.

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It was an open invitation to all to come and paint on these panels and they came in hordes. Queueing up patiently for their turn to put their mark on a mural which symbolised the diversity of cultures that Milton is, the variety of art forms that the town supports, the vibrancy and the enthusiasm in every resident and their love and pride for this town. The mural took 2 days to complete and what a masterpiece it is. ( if I may say so myself). It was unveiled by Mayor Gord Krantz as a grand finale to the closing ceremony of the Culture Days 2013 event. I am truly honoured and feel extremely humbled to have been a part of this exceptional experience. Thank you Arts Milton, Thank you Mayor Gord Krantz and above all thank you my fellow residents of the Town of Milton. Thank you